Winter 2017
This quarter we provide an update on changes to the pensions auto-enrolment regime. This entered a new phase from 1 October, with new employers coming immediately into compliance obligations. Further changes are on the horizon, with increases to minimum contributions due from April 2018. This makes a good time for employers to review their ongoing responsibilities under the regime.
We also comment on a promising start to a government initiative to help provide finance for small businesses struggling to access traditional sources of borrowing.
Elsewhere in the newsletter, we consider the National Minimum Wage. This is an area where non-compliance can not only lead to penalties, but have adverse reputational impact for an employer. Potential problems for employers in the social care sector are also considered.
There has been considerable media coverage regarding problems with HMRC computer systems, and their ability to process correctly some 2016/17 self assessment tax returns. We outline the current position with regard to submitting these returns and the steps being taken to ensure that personal tax liabilities will be minimised.
We also explain the latest developments with regard to Making Tax Digital for Business (MTDfB), another area which has been in the news. In a change to the original plans, HMRC have announced that VAT-registered businesses will be the first to enter MTDfB. We look here at what that will entail.
In our other articles, we consider:
- new legislation on employment rights for bereaved parents
- HMRC’s let property campaign, highlighting common misconceptions and mistakes in this area
- HMRC’s new online forum providing help for small business.
We are sure you will find the newsletter an interesting read. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding any of the articles we have included in our newsletter or if you would like further information on a topic we haven’t covered. Your views are always important to us and we would welcome your feedback.
Accidentally becoming a landlord
Changes to pensions auto-enrolment
HMRC computer fix for personal tax returns
Making Tax Digital - plans for VAT
National Minimum Wage – where are we now?
New HMRC online help for small business
New scheme to fund small business reports success
Torr Waterfield's Alzheimer's charity walk in pictures
When an employee is in crisis