Deferred VAT payments: what now?
What are the options if you took up the government's offer to defer VAT payments between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020, and still need to pay?
The first option is to settle the liability, in full, on or before 31 March 2021, and HMRC has reminded taxpayers financially able to pay that they should do so. The second option is to use the VAT deferral new payment scheme, announced in the government's Winter Economy Plan. This can provide you with up to an additional year to pay. The third option, where more time than this is likely to be needed to pay, is to contact HMRC: this link provides guidance here
New payment scheme
The VAT deferral new payment scheme means that instead of settling the full amount by the end of March 2021, you can pay by equal monthly instalments, and no interest will apply. All instalments must be paid by the end of March 2022, and the scheme gives you the discretion to choose how many monthly instalments you make, with a minimum of two and maximum of 11. Using the scheme does not prejudice your applying for a time to pay arrangement for other HMRC debts or outstanding tax. To use the scheme, you opt in, online, and it falls to the taxpayer to do this. HMRC systems do not allow us, as your agents, to opt in on your behalf.
Watch the deadline. You must opt in before the end of March 2021.
Certain terms and conditions apply: see You must, obviously, still have deferred VAT to pay: you must also be up to date with your VAT returns, and able to pay the deferred VAT by direct debit. Your first instalment must be paid before the end of March 2021.
In order to get ready for the opt-in, HMRC requires you to have created a Government Gateway account, if you don't already have one, and to have submitted any outstanding VAT returns from the last four years. In addition, any errors on your VAT returns must be corrected as soon as possible. Corrections received after 31 December 2020 may not show in the deferred VAT balance.
HMRC advises that you must make sure you know how much VAT is owed, taking into account both the amount originally deferred and any sums you may already have paid. It also requests that if you intend to make any payment towards the deferred VAT before the scheme begins, you do so as soon as possible in order for it to show the correct deferred VAT balance.
At this particularly testing time for business, it's important to take stock of levels of committed expenditure, coupled with realistic appraisal of overall liquidity and ability to repay. We are on hand to discuss the best way forward for your business. Please don't hesitate to contact us for advice.