Update: pensions automatic enrolment
Significant change to the pensions automatic enrolment regime, extending enrolment to younger workers,
and removing the lower earnings threshold for qualifying earnings, has been said to be on the horizon
for some time. A government Review in 2017 stated that the aim was to have change in place by the
mid-2020s. So where are we now? We outline the current state of play.
The plan is to lower the age limit to participate in auto-enrolment to 18 from 22. In addition, pension
contributions are to be calculated from the first £1 earned, essentially doing away with the lower
earnings threshold (£6,240 per year for 2024/25) and introducing contributions from £1 to the upper
limit (£50,270 per year in 2024/25).
When they take place, these developments will certainly mark a major milestone. For employers, they
will come with a price tag, as pensions contributions are paid for more employees, and on a bigger
slice of earnings. For workers, there’s also a cost, and it’s possible that some will want to opt out
of auto-enrolment or stop contributions. Communicating all this to your workforce will be particularly
The question is — when? Though legislation enabling the Secretary of State to make regulations bringing
in the changes received Royal Assent in 2023, no timetable for implementation has been announced. A
lack of clarity is never good news for employers, and we will do all we can to update you here. Please
do keep in touch with us for details of further developments.
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